Products supported under MEIS
Level of Support:
Higher rewards have been granted for the
following category of products:
Agricultural and Village industry products,
presently covered under VKGUY.
Value added and packaged products.
Eco-friendly and green products that create
wealth out of waste from agricultural and
other waste products that generate
additional income for the farmers, while
improving the environment.
Labour intensive Products with large
employment potential and Products with
large number of producers and /or
Industrial Products from potential winning
Hi-tech products with high export earning
Level of Support:
Higher rewards have been granted for the
following category of products:
Agricultural and Village industry products,
presently covered under VKGUY.
Value added and packaged products.
Eco-friendly and green products that create
wealth out of waste from agricultural and
other waste products that generate
additional income for the farmers, while
improving the environment.
Labour intensive Products with large
employment potential and Products with
large number of producers and /or
Industrial Products from potential winning
Hi-tech products with high export earning